How to Fix a Broken Solar Panel? Solar Cell Maintenance and Repairing Cost

Solar panel repair is essential to maintain the performance of a solar array and prolong its lifespan. The solar cells, responsible for converting sunlight into electricity, are protected by a glass cover and aluminum frame. However, solar panels are still susceptible to issues that cause them to be less effective or even break and become unusable. Some of the most common solar panel issues include rust caused by moisture, microcracks that result from bending, and inner module damage. Other problems include hot spots caused by underperforming cells and potential-induced degradation (PID, which is the result of stray currents within the panel. Loose wiring poses fire risks and decreases efficiency.
Deciding between repairing and replacing solar panels is difficult. A solar technician is able to advise you on the best course of action for "burned-out" panels based on the type of damage, the extent of the damage, and what they need to get back up and running. Note that the cost of repair for a solar panel typically ranges between $200 and $1,600, depending on the specific issue. Some fixes are doable from home, like using polyurethane resin to seal cracks in the glass cover of a panel.
Solar panel maintenance, in the form of regular cleaning and inspection, prevents many problems. Some solar panel problems are irreparable, in which case it's better to replace the damaged panel with a new panel which is more efficient and more durable in the long run.
The seven main ways to prevent or fix common solar panel issues are explained below.
1. How to Fix Solar Panel Rust Problem
Solar panels are made up of a number of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which each have a metal grid as their top layer and a metal plate as their bottom layer to conduct electricity. Sealants, plastic braces and glass covers are used to protect the metal components inside PV cells, but moisture seeps in over time and causes them to rust. Rust, the product of a chemical reaction between water and the iron contained by the metal components inside a PV cell, causes a drop in energy production.
Rust significantly decreases the lifespan of solar panels, because there is no choice but to purchase and replace them with new panels once the conductive elements inside them become rusted. There are a number of measures to take to prevent solar panel rust, like choosing a tempered glass cover for increased resistance to cracks (which are entry points for moisture), and using a weatherproof sealant. In addition to choosing sturdy water-resistant materials, make sure to check the solar panels regularly for any damage and dry them thoroughly if any liquids are used to clean them.
2. How to Prevent Micro-Cracks in Solar Panels
Micro-cracks are tiny cracks on the surface of solar cells which form when the solar panel is bent. Solar panel bending is caused by extreme weather conditions, like wind, hail or snow, as well as sudden temperature changes which lead to the panels rapidly expanding or contracting. Solar cells are surprisingly fragile, due to their thinness, so they are susceptible to forming micro-cracks during production, transportation and installation.
Micro-cracks reduce the amount of electricity conducted by the photovoltaic (PV) cell, decreasing the amount of energy produced by the module, causing accelerated degradation of the solar panel and shortening the lifespan of the PV system. Unfortunately, once one micro-crack forms, more inevitably appear, gradually rendering more and more of the solar cell's surface nonfunctional.
The only way to fix a micro-crack is to replace the entire solar panel because there is no way to access the solar cell to repair it without irreparably damaging the layers of material (glass, film, and back sheet) protecting it. Prevention is key when it comes to micro-cracks, so choose panels made from strong materials, like tempered glass covers and aluminum frames.
3. Hot Spots Repairment for Solar Cells
Hot spots occur when an underperforming solar cell - caused by shading, manufacturing defects, dirt buildup or electrical mismatches - interrupts the flow of electricity around the solar panel. The analogy of a blockage in a pipe is a useful way to understand hot spots. The power generated by the functional solar cells is unable to pass the underperforming cells, leading to an accumulation of heat in that area.
Hot spots not only reduce the efficiency and lifespan of a solar cell, but the excessive heat they produce increases the risk of electrical damage and fire. The best ways to prevent hot spots from forming are to buy panels from a reputable solar brand, install them in an area with as little shade as possible and clean the surface of the modules regularly.
4. Solving PID Effect for Solar Panels
The PID effect, which stands for potential-induced degradation, occurs in solar panels when they operate at a high voltage for an extended period of time. High voltages create electric fields across solar cells, causing particle migration and charge imbalances. The charge imbalances trigger a chemical reaction in the solar cell, between the sodium ions in the glass and the silicon dioxide in the semiconductor material. The result is a layer forming, which stops the affected cells from being able to absorb sunlight and convert it into energy, reducing the panel’s efficiency and lifespan.
Although all solar panels gradually become less efficient over time, PID causes severe (and oftentimes unrecoverable) power losses. The average rate of degradation for solar panels is 0.5% per year, but the PID effect accelerates this decline, reducing the power output of the affected solar panel by anywhere between 30% and 70%. Moderate cases of PID are reversible by applying a reverse bias voltage to the panel to redistribute the charges or by putting the panels into a rest period during which they are not exposed to high voltages. Severe cases of PID, caused by prolonged exposure and left unchecked for multiple years, are irreparable and require the panel to be replaced.
5. How to Handle Loose Wiring in Solar Systems
The wires in a solar system are considered loose when the connection between any two components isn’t secure. The wires in solar systems become loose over time, due to the adhesive used to secure them coming unstuck; humidity-induced corrosion weakening the connections; and mechanical stress caused by adverse weather like wind and hail. Loose wiring reduces the efficiency of solar panels, as well as making them vulnerable to electric damage and fire because of the heat caused by the increased electrical resistance.
The wiring in a solar system is responsible for delivering the energy, so damage to it poses a serious risk to the lifespan of the system. To repair loose wiring in a solar system, turn off the power, locate the unstable connection, and fetch the necessary tools. When the issue is a loose screw terminal, then tighten it with a torque screwdriver ($40) or torque wrench ($30). When the issue is an unstable snap-fit connector, which relies on force, then lightly clean it, check for any broken pins, and tighten it using electrical tape or zip ties.
Although the fixes for loose wiring in a solar system are relatively straightforward, it is always recommended to hire a professional to ensure the repair maximizes energy output, lasts for a long time and complies with legal requirements.
6. How to Fix Inner Module Damage in Solar Panels
Inner module damage in solar panels manifests in many ways, like discoloration, staining, delamination, and rusting - all of which decrease the efficiency of the affected panel. In cases of suspected inner module damage, contact a solar technician to remove the glass cover and identify the problem. The solar technician is able to identify what exactly is wrong, the extent of the damage to the panel, and what repairs it needs to get back up and running.
Failing to repair inner module damage decreases the lifespan of solar panels. However, there are some cases where the rest of the array continues to function without the damaged panel, and it doesn’t make financial sense to replace it until it’s time to replace all of the panels. A solar professional is able to assess the age of the system, its condition and whether or not it's able to generate enough power without the damaged panel.
7. How to fix Solar Module Damages Caused by External Factors
Solar panel glass, which protects the internal modules from the outside world, is only able to withstand so much force. Adverse weather conditions, like extreme wind, snow, and hail, are some of the external factors which damage the glass cover of solar panels. Animal bites and broken branches compromise the integrity of the glass solar panel cover. In extreme cases, the damage to the outside of the solar panel reaches the modules inside, forming micro-cracks on the surface of cells or destroying them entirely.
Whether or not a solar panel needs replacing depends on how much of the glass cover is actually shattered. In cases where only a small portion of the glass is damaged, the panel is still able to absorb light, so waterproofing the surface with laminate film ($25 to $55) or a polyurethane solution ($20) does the trick. In cases where a significant portion of the glass cover is shattered and generating significantly less energy, the only two options are to replace the panel’s face or to replace the panel entirely. A solar professional is able to assess the damage and advise repair or replacement.
What is the most common solar panel problem?
The most common solar panel problem is a faulty inverter. The lifespan of solar inverters is 5 to 10 years shorter than the lifespan of solar panels, but users often overlook this fact and continue to use their solar system without properly maintaining the inverter. Solar inverters convert the direct current (DC) energy generated by the solar panels into usable alternating current (AC) electricity.
It is essential to check the solar inverter regularly, ensure proper ventilation, clean any dirt, and inspect the connections. Call a solar technician for any solar panel issues relating to the solar inverter that cause a significant drop in energy production or cause a fault code to appear on the monitor. In cases where the solar inverter is too old or damaged to repair, the only option is to replace it for anywhere between $1000 and $3000.
Microcracking, where small cracks form on the surface of the solar cell, is another common solar panel problem. Solar cells are protected by glass covers and aluminum frames, but they still incur damage when the solar panel is bent during extreme weather, turbulent transportation, and careless installation. Microcracks gradually worsen the solar panel’s ability to generate electricity. PID, potential-induced degradation, reduces the power output of a solar panel by up to 70%, worsening its ability to generate electricity much faster than microcracks.
Why is Broken Glass an important problem for a Solar Panel?
Broken glass is an important problem for solar panels because it reduces their efficiency and provides an undesirable entry point for dirt and moisture. Solar panels are unable to absorb light if the glass cover of the solar panel is completely shattered, rendering it useless. Broken glass means that water and debris are bypassing the cover and landing on the solar cells, decreasing the amount of sunlight they’re able to absorb.
What are the effects of Micro-cracks on a Solar Panel?
Micro-cracks reduce the amount of energy a solar panel is able to produce, because they render parts of its surface area nonfunctional. When one micro-crack forms, more inevitably follow, so they accelerate the degradation of the solar panel while shortening its lifespan.
Micro-cracks are invisible to the naked eye, but they increase in length over time, losing the title of micro-cracks when they become visually detectable. Micro-cracks are identified and monitored using electroluminescence crack detection (ELCD), which triggers the solar panel to emit light, revealing any defects. ELCD produces images, which are used to determine the exact size and location of the microcracks.
Is a Cracked Solar Panel dangerous?
Yes, a cracked solar panel is dangerous because the solar cells are very hot, and it causes serious burns. Solar panels reach high temperatures while they are generating electricity. Touching the solar cell through the cracked glass while the panels are in operation results in serious burns.
How to repair Solar Panel Broken Glass?
The glass solar panel cover is glued to the solar cells, so repairing shattered glass isn’t as simple as removing the cover. However, with the correct instructions its not difficult to remove small portions of glass using polyurethane.
Below are the seven simple steps for repairing broken glass in a solar panel.
- Level the panel: Use a level to ensure that the panel is laid horizontally on the ground, preventing the resin from flowing to one side.
- Clean the panel: Clean the panel of any dirt or debris, so it doesn’t get caught in the resin.
- Mix the resin: Mix the resin following the instructions on the container.
- Pour the resin onto the panel: Pour the resin onto the panel, covering three-quarters of its surface.
- Push the resin around the panel: Push the resin to cover the panel evenly, gently, using a plastic squeegee.
- Wait for the resin to dry: Leave the resin to dry for roughly 5 minutes.
- Repeat if necessary: Repeat steps 4,5 and 6 until the resin covers all of the cracks.
What is a "burnt-out solar panel"?
A burnt-out solar panel refers to any solar panel that is generating less power than it is supposed to, regardless of the issue. Typical issues include overheating, electrical faults, damage from external factors, rusting or manufacturing defects.
When does a solar panel block diodes?
Solar panels use bypass diodes to ensure that the unshaded part of shaded solar panels continue to produce energy, and solar panels use blocking diodes to prevent the battery from backfeeding to the solar array at night.
How much does it cost to repair a solar panel?
The average cost of repairing a solar panel is around $900, while replacing a 400-watt solar panel is around $500. It’s best to contact the manufacturer (if under warranty) or ask a local technician for a quote because the cost to repair a solar panel varies greatly depending on the specific issue.
Can I repair a solar panel by myself?
Yes, it is possible to fix some solar panel problems yourself, such as cleaning dirty panels. However, for more complex and severe issues like faulty wiring or inverter malfunctions, it's essential to call a solar technician to ensure safety. Inverters, for example, are complex electronic devices that require specialized knowledge to be fixed safely.
What are the things needed to repair a damaged solar panel?
The 8 main items and tools required to repair the wiring of a damaged solar cell are listed below.
- Tape: The tape is used to hold the wires in place while the liquid solder sets.
- Wire: The wires are used to replace the lead wires on the solar cell.
- Glue: The glue is used to secure the rest of the wire to the solar cell.
- A small paintbrush: The small paintbrush is used to dab on the liquid solder.
- A multimeter: The multimeter is used to test the cells before and after the repair.
- Quick Grid Repair Resin: ‘Quick grid repair resin’ is a type of liquid solder that doesn’t require heat but still conducts electricity. It is used to reconnect the wires to the solar cell.
- Scissors: The scissors are used to cut the wires and strip their ends.
- Cells to be repaired: Have the damaged solar cells on hand.
How to find a Solar Panel Repair near me?
To find a solar panel repair technician near you, first check for local solar repair companies online or ask for recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have solar panels. Then, check the local solar companies’ credentials, looking for a service whose technicians adhere to industry standards and local regulations. Customer reviews and testimonials are a great way to verify any claims that the solar company makes about their repair services, and see how previous customers fared. The transparency of their pricing is a major consideration when choosing a solar panel repair service to prevent any unexpected costs on the bill, as well as their availability in terms of opening hours and emergency services.
What are the most expensive solar panel repair issues?
The three most expensive solar panel repair issues are listed below.
- Solar inverter replacement. The cost of solar inverters varies, depending on the type and the quality of the part. Replacing a string inverter is arguably the most expensive solar panel repair, because they cost up to $3,32 for a high-end model.
- Cracked solar panels. Issues caused by external forces (like microcracks) destroy the solar panel enough that it needs to be replaced, which costs anywhere from $300 to $600, depending on the model.
- Broken glass cover. Damage to the glass cover of the solar panel is generally quite minimal, resulting in only a small part being smashed, and is fixable at home. However, in the case of severe damage, it costs $340 to replace the entire glass cover.
Which companies provide solar panel repair services in the United States?
There is a wide range of companies in the US that offer solar panel repair services, from large-scale manufacturers to local providers and technicians. Some of the best-known US solar panel companies offering repair under warranty are SolarCity, Sunrun, Vivint Solar, Sunpower, Freedom Solar, and Palmetto. For local repairers, check the directory listings near you.
How do you check a solar panel warranty for repairs?
Solar panel warranties are an indication of the manufacturer’s confidence in their products. The longer the warranty of a solar panel is, the less likely it is to break, and the less frequently it needs maintenance.
Product and performance are the two categories within solar panel warranties. The product warranty protects the owner of the solar system from issues relating to manufacturing defects and equipment failures. The other category of solar panel warranties which is the performance warranty guarantees that each panel will produce a specified percentage of power, so owners don’t need to worry about premature degradation.
Follow the three easy steps for checking your solar panel warranty as listed below.
- Check documentation. Like any purchase that comes with a warranty, solar panels are delivered with a number of documents. Check the user manual, product data sheets, and any other pieces of paper for the warranty information. Keep an eye out for the length of the warranty, the conditions, and the process for making a claim.
- Check the manufacturer’s website. When the warranty information isn’t obvious in the documents that the solar panels come with, check the official website of their manufacturer. Go to the website armed with the model number, go to the page for the specific product it represents, and check the warranty information there.
- Contact the manufacturer. When the warranty information isn’t available in the documents that came with the solar panels, or on the manufacturer’s website, contact the manufacturer directly using the customer support email address or phone number.
Who Does Solar Panel Repair?
There are a number of professionals who carry out solar panel repairs, including solar panel manufacturers, solar installers, solar service companies, and individual technicians. In many cases, repairs of your solar panels are included in your warranty. Solar installers are under a different warranty, separate from the product and performance warranty, to address any issues with the solar panels that occur after installation. Solar service companies, comprised of individual technicians, are able to rectify solar panel issues despite not being the company that installed the solar system.
What is a Solar Panel Technician?
Solar panel technicians install and maintain solar panels for commercial and residential buildings. Solar panel technicians are known as solar energy technicians, solar panel installers, solar energy installers, and photovoltaic (PV) installers - solar energy is a booming industry with a range of job titles for contractors with this skill set.
Can Damaged Solar Panels Be Repaired?
Damaged solar panels are often repairable. Loose wiring is usually fixed by tightening connections, and shattered glass is sealed with a film or polyurethane. However, issues like microcracks and severe PID are irreparable. Whether or not a solar panel is repairable depends on the specific issue.
Is it better to replace solar panels instead of repairing them?
No, it is not always better to replace solar panels instead of repairing them. In some cases, the cost of repair outweighs the cost of replacing the solar panel, so it makes sense to purchase a replacement panel with a new one that offers higher efficiency and increased durability. In cases where the cost of replacing the damaged panel significantly outweighs the cost of repairing it, it makes sense to fix the issue in the meantime and wait to replace the panel until the whole of the array needs an update.
Is solar panel repair cheaper than replacement?
No, solar panel repair is not necessarily cheaper than replacement. The cost of solar panel repair ranges between $235 and $1,570, depending on the labor needed to fix the damage and the complexity of the solar system. The average cost of a single 400-watt solar panel is $500, whereas the average cost of repairing a solar panel is $900, so whether or not solar panel repair is cheaper than replacement depends on the specific repair the panel needs.
Solar panel repair quickly becomes expensive when considerations like needing the issue resolved as soon as possible or requiring an expensive part to be ordered to fix a sophisticated solar system are taken into account. Solar system owners might choose to replace a damaged solar panel instead of repairing it, even though it is more expensive, because the new panel is going to be more efficient and better serve their household in terms of long-term energy production.
Are solar panel repairs near me reliable?
No, local solar panel technicians are not always reliable, so it’s better to consult the solar company that installed the system for any repairs. Additionally, some solar systems are installed under a warranty which becomes void if the owner gets maintenance done by any other company than the one who installed the system.
Solar companies often invite visitors to their website to search for services using their home’s zip code, so prospective customers are only shown the solar professionals in the area affiliated with the company, rather than the full range of technicians available.